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    Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a 2012 first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and published ♣️ by Activision. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on November 12, 2012, and for the ♣️ Wii U on November 18 in North America and November 30 in PAL regions.[1][2][3][4][5] Black Ops II is the ninth ♣️ game in the Call of Duty franchise of video games, a sequel to the 2010 game Call of Duty: Black ♣️ Ops and the first Call of Duty game for the Wii U. A corresponding game for the PlayStation Vita, Call ♣️ of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified, was developed by nStigate Games and also released on November 13.

    The game's campaign follows up ♣️ the story of Black Ops and is set in the late 1980s and 2025. In the 1980s, the player switches ♣️ control between Alex Mason and Frank Woods, two of the protagonists from Black Ops, while in 2025, the player assumes ♣️ control of Mason's son, David (codenamed "Section"). Both time periods involve the characters pursuing Raul Menendez, a Nicaraguan arms dealer ♣️ and later terrorist, who is responsible for kidnapping David in the 80s and later sparking a Second Cold War in ♣️ 2025. The campaign features non-linear gameplay and has multiple endings.[6] Locations featured in the game include Angola, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, ♣️ Pakistan, the Cayman Islands, Panama, Yemen, the United States, and Haiti.

    Development for the game began soon after the release of ♣️ Black Ops, with Activision promising that the follow-up would bring "meaningful innovation" to the Call of Duty franchise. Black Ops ♣️ II is the first game in the series to feature futuristic warfare technology and the first to present branching storylines ♣️ driven by player choice as well as selecting weapons before starting story mode missions. It also offers a 3D display ♣️ option. The game was officially revealed on May 1, 2012, following a set of leaked information released during the previous ♣️ months.

    Black Ops II received mostly positive reviews from critics, with praise for its gameplay, story, multiplayer, Zombies mode, and villain, ♣️ but its Strike Force missions had a mixed reception. The game was a commercial success; within 24 hours of going ♣️ on sale, the game grossed overR$500 million.[7] It had remained the largest entertainment launch of all time until September 2013, ♣️ when Take-Two Interactive announced that Grand Theft Auto V had grossedR$800 million in its first day of release.[8] It went ♣️ on to sell 7.5 million copies in the U.S. in November 2012, making it the highest-grossing game of the month.[9] ♣️ A sequel, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, was released in 2024.[10] Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, set ♣️ between Black Ops and Black Ops II, was released on November 13, 2024.[11][12]

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